novaa's site

the internet sucks



Github link

Built with: DM, JavaScript, Inferno, Bash, Rust, Git

/tg/station13 is the most popular flavour of Space Station 13. A paranoia-laden round-based roleplaying game set against the backdrop of a nonsensical, metal death trap masquerading as a space station.

I’ve been contributing to this codebase since February 2021, and I became a maintainer in May 2022.

Discord Bot

Github link

Built with: C++, D++, curl, Makefile

A discord bot built to fetch and query a list of information (specifically the GBP point values) from the /tg/station Github repository.

A slightly altered version in Python is available at optimumtact/orangescogs that is available to use on the /tg/station13 Discord server.

Metro Schedule Parser

Github link

Built with: C++, Python, HTML, RESTful API

An HTML frontend connected to a RESTful API that interacts with the Metro Schedule API to get the latest week’s work schedule in a .ics calendar format.

Minimal AUR Helper

Github link

Built with: Bash, Git

A minimal bash script used to automatically download, install, and cleanup the process of installing packages from the Arch User Repository.

ISBN Lookup

Github link

Built with: C, cURL, cJSON, Makefile

A CLI tool made in C that fetches book information from the inputted ISBN number.

Library Manager

Github link

Built with: C++, Svelte, Tauri, Nix, Makefile, Github Actions

A front end manager based off of ISBN Lookup that allows you to manage a digital list of books.