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23 Jan 2025

Creating a custom TF2 HUD

Who even plays TF2 in 2025?

I do.

Where do I start?

Firstly, you need to extract the HUD resource files, so that you can edit them to get your custom look.

To do this, there are a few resources to look into:

  • The Valve Developer Community has a guide on extracting .vpk files.
    • I couldn’t get this to work properly, it was extracting the file structure but not the actual files.
  • A community made tool, that I found to work perfectly is VPKEdit.

Once you have the tools prepared, you need to navigate to your TF2 program files.

  • On Windows, by default, they are located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2
  • On Linux, by default, they are located at ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2

If are you unsure of where to find them, go to Steam, right click on Team Fortress 2, and go to Manage > Browse Local Files.

Once you are here, navigate to Team Fortress 2/tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk and extract this file using the previously mentioned tools.

  • For basic HUD customization you only need the scripts and resources folders out of this, but feel free to extract the entire thing if you’d like.

Move a folder containing these extracted files to Team Fortress 2/tf/custom/<name of your HUD>.

Before editing, create a file named info.vdf in the root of your theme folder containing:

"<name of your HUD>"
    "ui_version"    "3"

What now?

Basic Customization

There are a few fields to remember here:

  • "xpos", "ypos"
    • This is the position of the field on the screen in normal HUD mode.
    • This can be done absolutely, or relatively.
      • To do absolute simply provide a number in quotes, i.e. “100”.
      • To do relative, do “c” and a number to make this relative to the center of the screen, i.e. “c120”
        • Positive will make the “y” go below the center, and “x” to the left.
        • Negative will make the “y” go above hte center, and “x” to the right.
  • "xpos_minmode", "ypos_minmode"
    • This is the position of the field on the screen in min HUD mode.
    • Same absolute and relative positioning as above.
  • "font", "font_minmode"
    • The font to display the text of this field in.
  • "enabled"
    • Whether to display this field or not, “1” for show, “0” for hide.
  • "visible"
    • Same as above.
  • "wide", "wide_minmode"
    • Width of the field.
  • "tall", "tall_minmode"
    • Height of the field.
  • "MeterFG", "MeterBG"
    • Lets you change the foreground and background colours, respectively, of meters.

To move your weapon ammo around, in your custom HUD’s folder, go to scripts/ and open hudlayout.res in your favourite editor.

In scripts/hudlayout.res, under "HudWeaponAmmo", you can move your weapon’s ammo around.

In resources/ui/hudplayerhealth.res, under "HudPlayerHealth", you can move around the player’s health bar.

  • "HealthBonusPosAdj" lets you determine how big the field grows on health boost.
  • "HealthDeathWarning" lets you adjust the threshold of when your health is low.
  • "HealthDeathWarningColor" is an RGBA value setting the colour of your health bar when it meets the above threshold.

In resources/ui/huditemeffectmeter.res, under "HudItemEffectMeter", you can move around the item recharge bar (Heavy’s sandvich, etc) using the same position values as before.

In resources/ui/huditemeffectmeter_demoman.res, under "HudItemEffectMeter", you can move around secondary counters (Spy crits, Demoman heads, etc).

In resources/ui/huditemeffectmeter_killstreak.res, under "HudItemEffectMeter", you can move around the killstreak counter (provided by Killstreak weapons).

In resources/ui/hudmediccharge.res, under "ChargeLabel", you can move around the Medic’s uber charge bar and percentage text.

Advanced Customization

These are just simple changes, and all I’ve done personally. I will expand this guide as I explore and edit more of the HUD. Don’t forget to explore yourself to edit and change the HUD to be your ideal layout.

How do I see these changes?

Either restart your game, or run hud_reloadscheme in the developer console.

Next time, we'll talk about "10 Reasons why gcc SHOULD be re-written in JavaScript - You won't believe #8!"